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Essay causes of poverty

Essay causes of poverty

essay causes of poverty

May 22,  · Reasons of poverty are numerous, and it is difficult to analyze the entire complex of causes of such a global issue. However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people Jan 01,  · The most evident cause of poverty is hunger; however it can also be an effect of poverty. Hunger is the absence of basic food requirements of an individual or a number of people and it deprives the people of carrying out necessary daily Reasons of poverty are numerous, and it is difficult to analyze the entire complex of causes of such a global issue. However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people

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In, The Position of Poverty, John Galbraith categorizes poverty into two but fails to provide the cause of essay causes of poverty individual types of poverty: insular and case poverty Galbraith, pp Poverty is a social condition in which the people affected cannot meet their basic needs of shelter, essay causes of poverty, food and clothing. Case poverty is particularly interesting since it is caused by factors essay causes of poverty are without the control of the poor people. This essay finds the cause of case poverty to include: 1 overpopulation, 2 unequal resource distribution, 3 lack of education, 4 environmental degradation, 5 natural disasters, and 6 corruption. These causes cannot be singled out as the only causes of poverty and neither can they be deemed to act in isolation.

In fact, most of these factors act in combination with others to lead to the detrimental state of poverty. The causes of case poverty are beyond the control of the individual citizens. Overpopulation is the situation in which large numbers of people are concentrated in a limited space with few resources. It therefore results from either high population densities, low amounts of resources or in some cases both. A high population has the direct effect of pressuring the available resources and decreasing the ratio of resources to people. Bangladesh, for instance, has a population density of 1, people per square kilometer making it the highest in essay causes of poverty world Merino, pp Such volumes of people result in the reduction of the resources available to the people in the country or even the people with access to these resources.

Essay causes of poverty birth rates also increase the rate of population in a country and in effect lead to poverty. It has been observed that essay causes of poverty birth rates in developing countries lead to higher poverty levels since the households and economies cannot sustain many people. The people born are considered as mouths to feed and not hands to provide labor. The lack of enough resources and the limited access deprive the people of the ability to prosper and thus render them poor. In most developing countries, the aspect of poor and unequal distribution of resources has rendered efforts to curb poverty futile.

In this respect, resources include the necessary raw materials and the knowledge and expertise of converting these materials into valuable assets. The importance of resources in development cannot be undermined because it is only through the resources that the people can acquire value. The lack of these resources lead to the poor countries trading with developed countries to acquire the resources, and endeavor they cannot sustain for long. In these situations, even the seemingly well off people are strangled by relative poverty especially going by the standards of the developed world Galbraith, pp People in these situations therefore end up committing most of their resources to buying food leaving most of the other necessary services unaffordable.

Illiteracy and lower education levels are common factors in the extension of poverty. Studies have shown that most of the developed countries have wallowed out of poverty through investments in the education sector. Even when there is formal education in the developing countries, the quality of the education is too low to bring any meaningful essay causes of poverty in the innovation field. The lack of employment opportunities may also motivate many children not to go to schools and prefer to start small self supporting businesses.

Research has shown that most of the poor regions in the world have the least literacy levels. The lack of education means that the majority of the population cannot find employment to support their livelihoods thus leading to poverty Merino, pp The deterioration of the natural environment is a leading cause of large scale poverty, essay causes of poverty. Environmental degradation may include depletion of the atmosphere, hydrosphere as well as the lithosphere. The effect of degradation is the unveiling of shortages of basic needs including food, shelter and clean water. People with no access to basic needs cannot be productive even if all other materials are availed to them.

As water bodies, forests and air become degraded, people living in these areas suffer the most effects including diseases. Most of the regions in developing countries, for example, depend on natural resources for life sustenance and the degradation of the same spells doom for the people. The degradation of these resources may pollute them and make them unfit for human utilization. The continued use of the same may lead to deaths on a large scale as diseases spread from one area to the next. The vulnerability of a community to natural disasters is also a facilitator of poverty among the people. The effect of catastrophic natural disasters is felt on a larger scale in regions of the world that are already less wealthy.

The earthquake in Haiti in is a leading example of how natural disasters can lead to widespread poverty. In Haiti and in other vulnerable areas, the natural disasters rendered most of the people as refugees in their own country depriving them of necessary needs for their sustenance. Another example is the recurrent drought in the Horn of Africa which has the effect of impoverishing the people in the region for many years. According to a World Bank report, the debt implication on essay causes of poverty fishermen had increased two-fold one year after cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar. Corruption is another cause of case poverty especially in the developing world where resources are limited. Corruption inhibits development, both social and economic, when elected leaders steal money that would have otherwise spurred development projects to help the common citizens.

The effect of corruption is the heavy cost placed on the society. In addition, the effect of corruption is mainly felt by the poor who depend on government programs for their sustenance, essay causes of poverty. Corruption is mainly occasioned by the poor governance in a country and the lack of accountability to the people, essay causes of poverty. Moreover, widespread corruption attracts sanctions against the affected countries thereby depriving the country of trade partners and worsening the situation. Although the causes of case poverty are without the control of the individual citizens, essay causes of poverty, governments can eradicate or at least reduce the corruption.

The world governments have a duty of ensuring that people have access to at least the basic needs. Although the elimination of relative is almost impossible to eliminate, case poverty can be reduced to acceptable levels. Galbraith, John Kenneth. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin, Galbraith, John K. The Nature of Mass Poverty. Bridgewater, NJ: Replica Books, Ahmed, essay causes of poverty, Akhter U. Washington, D. C: International Food Policy Research Institute, from page Do you need an Original High Quality Academic Custom Essay? Causes of Poverty Home Social Sciences Causes of Poverty.

Causes of Poverty Published by James Taylor. Works cited Galbraith, John Kenneth. Merino, Noe. Detroit: Greenhaven, from page 58 Do you need an Original High Quality Academic Custom Essay?

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Causes of Poverty - Free Essay Example |

essay causes of poverty

Reasons of poverty are numerous, and it is difficult to analyze the entire complex of causes of such a global issue. However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people Mar 30,  · DISCUSSING ANY 3 CAUSES OF POVERTY IN THE WORLD There are a number of causes of poverty in the world which include dictatorship, lack of education, low wage rates, overpopulation, war, disease, floods, and natural disasters but here I am going to discuss about just 3 of them which are overpopulation, lack of education and war. a. Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins The first cause of poverty is related to education. In nearly every country a large part of the population goes to the government educational institutes to get basic knowledge. There is no way to get good skills in that institutes. The government is not able to standardize its institutes

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