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Essay on corruption

Essay on corruption

essay on corruption

Apr 04,  · Words Essay on Corruption in English Corruption Essay In English for Class 9 and 10 Preface. Each country is recognized because of its culture, its civilization, and character. A country like India had its own place in the world due to its truth, honesty, non-violence, religiosity, moral values and humanistic qualities, but in the present Essay On Corruption OUTLINE Definition of corruption (Firstly describe what Corruption is, it may be abuse of entrusted power) Essential components of corruption (Personal authority, Misbehavior conflicting, Pursuit of undue advantage and damages) Causes of corruption Following are the main causes of corruption due to lack of accountability political institutions Essay on Corruption – Corruption refers to a form of criminal activity or dishonesty. It refers to an evil act by an individual or a group. Most noteworthy, this act compromises the rights and privileges of others. Furthermore, Corruption primarily includes activities like bribery or Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

Essay On Corruption In English For Students & Teachers – National Testing Agency

Transparency International defines corruption as an act that abuses the entrusted power for private gain. This means that it violates the rights of individuals that have bestowed power, authority, and legitimacy. Corruption varies in degree and nature depending on the level of its occurrence, people involved, and circumstances that motivate individuals to be corrupt. Modernization has transformed corruption, and people adopt new and complicated ways of concealing their fraudulent activities. This paper presents the causes and effects of corruption in the public and private sector.

Politics is an effective way of ensuring power and resources are shared equally among all individuals from different backgrounds within a specified jurisdiction. However, people have used political activities and offices to advance their gains and neglect the need to be accountable and responsible to the public. The emergence of political elites has created room for corruption to flourish in public and private offices because people no longer respect the need to develop national programs that will benefit citizens. They have diverted the resources of the public to achieve their gains without considering the impacts of their actions on other citizens. Politics has allowed corrupt officers to win elections and take powerful positions in government.

Therefore, citizens continue to suffer because their interests are not addressed by essay on corruption they expected would alleviate their problems. Also, the existence of artificial scarcity of resources has pushed people to look for cheap ways of getting what they need. For instance, the scarcity of employment and investment opportunities has led to stiff competition for the limited available resources. Therefore, essay on corruption, people use unorthodox ways to persuade those in charge of approving projects to allow them to continue with their investment projects. People with malevolent intentions continue to destroy the economy of their nations as they create false impressions of the scarcity of resources, essay on corruption.

The existence of unhealthy competitions among businesses forces some of them to use unethical ways to persuade their clients to buy their products, essay on corruption. Government officials in charge of quality standards are usually bribed to cover the activities of such investors, and this promotes corruption in businesses. This violates the rights of citizens to access quality products and services. Thirdly, the ethical qualities of people in authority have decreased, and their value system deteriorated due to lack of strong moral teachings and responsibilities, essay on corruption. People no longer have respect for the old ideals of essay on corruption and honest service delivery procedures, and society has become a haven for individuals that disregard human dignity.

It is necessary to explain that modernity has clouded the need to respect the positions and individuals placed to serve others. People have little respect for morals that guide service delivery and ensure others benefit from their services. Therefore, corruption has been fuelled by poor moral values and lack of respect for human life. The present generation is full of corrupt activities because people fail to condemn them. There are no strong civil societies to rebuke and oppose corrupt leaders, and this promotes the flourishing of this behavior in generations.

The American public forum is dominated by debates on gay marriages, essay on corruption, foreign policies, and inflated health bills, but nobody seems to pay attention to the escalating cases of corruption in the public and private sectors. The younger generations do not see the need to fight corruption because their predecessors support and cultivate it through modern systems and activities. Lastly, widespread poverty and illiteracy have contributed to endemic corruption in modern societies. There are efforts to educate people, essay on corruption, especially the rural folks, to ensure they know their rights and freedoms to reduce corruption in their societies.

However, these efforts seem to bear no fruits because poverty drives them to seek cheap and quick ways of accessing their needs. Also, poverty makes people desperate, and thus, they do anything that will ensure they have food on their tables. Therefore, essay on corruption, corruption flourishes in most societies because people do not know their rights and those that do have limited resources to access them. Corruption violates the rights and freedoms of individuals to get basic services from public and private offices. This means that this practice compromises the essay on corruption of services offered by employees in the public and private sectors and puts the lives of citizens at risk.

Corrupt officials do not offer equal services to clients because they treat some with more interests than others. This violates the provisions of equality and the rights for justice in various issues. This makes public institutions and offices to become illegitimate because of misusing their democratic power for private gains. Also, corruption hinders the effective development of political systems essay on corruption a country, essay on corruption. This vice promotes patronage that is serious threats to democratic processes. Most corrupt nations experience civil disobedience and political instability that hamper development projects.

The introduction of multi-party democratic systems is usually hampered by the corruption that compromises the legitimacy of political parties and individuals, essay on corruption. Civil disobedience and lack of trust in political institutions propel individuals to protest and demand the removal of their leaders from power. Moreover, this vice stalls development projects and subjects citizens to abject poverty because of a lack of transparency and accountability in public offices. Corruption enables few individuals that have money to have their way and get what they want while essay on corruption that do not have been forced to look for other alternatives. Poverty and unemployment are common occurrences in societies that condone corruption, and they cannot develop because of poor management systems.

The need to offer quality services like improving infrastructure, medical facilities, essay on corruption, schools, and social amenities is compromised by the lack of transparent processes of awarding tenders and distributing resources in a society. Lastly, this essay on corruption discourages unity and cooperation in society because some individuals think they are more important than others. Unequal distribution of national resources and restricted access to public services lead to frustration and apathy among citizens, and this weakens the fabric that binds members of the society. This leads to social inequality and the emergence of class differences that violate the dignity and rights of individuals.

Uncontrolled corruption widens the gap between the rich and poor, and this results in a weak civil society. Corruption is caused by man-made factors like capitalism, essay on corruption of transparency and accountability, nepotism, tribalism, poverty, weak social and political structures, and poverty. This vice lowers the pace of national development, weakens societies, and increases poverty. Therefore, people essay on corruption work hard to ensure they fight corruption by educating their members on the importance of transparent practices. Also, government systems should be programmed to detect and eliminate this vice, and those found promoting it should face harsh penalties.

Johnston, M. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, Turvey, B. Massachussetts: Academic Press, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Corruption Causes and Effects. Table of Contents. Introduction Causes Effects Conclusion Bibliography. Learn More. This essay on Corruption Causes and Effects was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly.

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Writing an Essay on Corruption in public life How to write an Essay on Corruption in English

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Essay on Corruption/ Corruption is a Curse Composition - wikilogy

essay on corruption

This is an essay on “Corruption” for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary examinations. Corruption, as it is defined by the World Bank, is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense that is undertaken by a person or an organization that is entrusted with a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one’s private gain Corruption Essay with quotations is very important from the point of view of different exams of all boards and Universities. Here is an Essay on Corruption with outline and quotations. In this essay, we will discuss corruption which is a clung to Essay On Corruption OUTLINE Definition of corruption (Firstly describe what Corruption is, it may be abuse of entrusted power) Essential components of corruption (Personal authority, Misbehavior conflicting, Pursuit of undue advantage and damages) Causes of corruption Following are the main causes of corruption due to lack of accountability political institutions

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